Friday, September 9, 2011

What's next? Up, Up, & Away!

Well I will give you a few small hints....

It became a nation on January 1, 1901,

The 6th largest country in the world,

22.6 Million people call it home,

Any guesses, MATE?

If you have not guessed it already, I am not entirely sure you passed the 8th grade. That's ok, plenty of successful people never finished school. Regardless, drum roll please....

Exciting right!

I don't have all of the details yet, but with a best friend/travel agent like mine,


Anything is possible.

The land of kangaroos, hot surfer men with killer accents! Down Under, OZ. Whatever you want to refer to it as, I will be calling it home in 2012!!!

It's the beginning of September & the start of the ground work to an amazing journey that I will never forget. This is the moment that I will look back on, and tell my children that this is when "Life really started".

You only live once right, & at the rate I'm going

Once is enough

Needless to say, I am super excited,
& on an extreme budget! Boo.

Time to start moving,


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