Saturday, December 3, 2011

18 weeks.

(Warning its that T.O.M)

I spent another Friday night "IN" because I seem to do nothing but spend, spend, spend, when I'm "OUT". Homemade pizza, and 2 movies later (Our Idiot Brother & Bridesmaids) & I was ready for bed. After browsing through the latest Anthropologie & Fossil catalogs the most random thoughts started entering my mind. Maybe it's because I was half asleep, or maybe it was the Ray LaMontagne music playing in the background, but for the first time I was thinking about leaving. Really leaving. I thought about all of the less glamorous things about this trip & the skin/bones of why I want to leave, again........

I think that travel, for me, is similar to crack for a drug addict. If I don't get my "fix" I turn into a mean person. Not "mean" in a sense that I treat others badly, but I more or less become negative in aspects of my life. I tend to disconnect from friends, family, work, and the race towards life's goals becomes a snail's pace. Is the travel bug something that can necessarily be cured? What method can lessen that desire to


Cold turkey, wean yourself off?

I'm not ready to quit. I think that this is just the start to another binge.

This is starting to sound a tad depressing, annoying, blurred?

Lets try this again, after changing my itunes playlist.....

127 more days until I'm out of Colorado and out of the United States. I started the process for my work visa for Australia today. It should be finished within 2 weeks. $325 later & I'm golden to work for a year!!! It will cover me from top to bottom, inside and out. Hopefully everything in between!

Drained. Tired of the snow. Looking forward to the day money no longer flys like a bat outta hell from my pockets.

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